La Marti
#DIAMANTINASCOSTI di LUCA STRA - Anime Fragili e altre storie di La Marti | IT
January 20, 2025
La Marti's songs demand respect and bring it back. Starting from listening to the song "Distratta" comes almost naturally, spontaneously. In fact, it is the most successful and emblematic piece of his production. The impression that it leaves on the listener is that of a ray of sunshine in a dusty room that is almost never opened... [Luca Stra]
Quartiere 4 Comune di Firenze| IT
July 23, 2024
“Summer in Q4” Review. The events dedicated to culture and entertainment in the parks and squares of Quartiere 4 continue.
Thursday 12th September at 9pm
Piazza dell'isolotto with La Marti, Aigì and Larossi - Young Musical Talents Progetto Labband Firenze.
The Florentine | Engl - IT
May 28, 2024
The public theatre TeatroMagma can seat 140, with the first of the theatre’s burgeoning programming in English (they’re open to ideas!) being Peter Dulborough’s Music of the Stars on June 7. Starting at 8.45pm, there will be a concert version with a live band and a narration of the music and songs of the musical inspired by Antoine di Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince... [JANE FARRELL]
indieoclock.com.br | BR
March 10, 2024
... A canção é bem empolgante e envolvente, nos faz pensar em situações que passamos muitas vezes parecida, uma música que comunica facilmente com a gente, contagiante e gruda na cabeça. "Black Snowflakes" chega com essa nuance entre o pop e o rock e consegue se tornar um lançamento forte e começa o EP com tudo. (English translation available on website)
December 20, 2023
with GIULIO BOGANI art director and curator of the I AM THERE project by ALICEDORA ISOLDI
and FRANCESCO D'ISA digital artist and philosopher, author of Sunyata (Eris, 2023)
moderated by VINCENZO MARASCO sociologist [...]
October 22, 2023
Avec ces différentes pistes, on peut dire que la chanteuse a fait de « LOOP » un EP aux sonorités merveilleuses qui mérite d’être écouté par de nombreuses personnes...
October 20, 2023
Martina Magionami brings us biting satire and a sharp irony with her latest track “Fools”...
October 19, 2023
The "LOOP" EP materialized through the collaborative efforts of Martina Magionami and producer Giulio Tonini. Recorded at T.Lane Studio in Florence, Italy, the EP is a testament to the harmony between Martina's vision and Giulio's artistic direction, delivering a captivating and enchanting musical journey...
October 17, 2023
5 New Songs You Should Listen Today 10/17/2023 (Indie Rock, Pop Rock, Electro-Rock, Britpop, Indie Pop) [Elias P]
March 5, 2023
Musicians and performers gathered for a fundraiser for the earthquake victims of Aleppo.
June 2022 - February 2023
The video of Isola is online, one of my songs that I played at the first Sofar Sounds in Prato.
02 November 2022
The review on Fresh Finds - Bored City (blog).
01 May 2020
The inhabitants of the Isolotto talk about themselves on video singing 'Musica Isolottiana in Quarantine - Tutto Torna'.
April 16, 2019
European premiere of Peyman Salimi's new album at the Combo Social Club. Opening Martina Magionami.
March 24, 2024
Firenze Suona Contest
[...] the musician is delicate with a capacity for imperceptible variations in her voice which seems to transmit the rhythm to the guitar itself. The lyrics are poetic but not for this reason sappy, it is the skillful combination of the notes with the sound effect of the words that makes them so, and even when they talk about love they are not obvious. With Isola the artist closes her performance, but opens in us the desire for freedom, a free flight, and her interpretation gives shivers of wind on the skin.
March 20, 2024
La Marti with "Tornerà" (from the EP "Anime Fragili" 2024) she was one of the 50 young artists nominees for the Amnesty Voci per la Libertà Youth Award.
November 7, 2023
Italian based singer songwriter, Martina Magionami, release an EP titled “LOOP”, a collections of moments, and a beautiful blend of folk and country with indie/alt-pop influences... [Future Leo]
October 21, 2023
We featured Martina Magionami earlier this year, championing her previous single, a playful and charming pop-rock gem titled 'The Virgin's Fountain'. We ended the article with a visionary sentence: “If the record is anything to go by, we are expecting a bright future for the Italian talent.” Well, the future is bright indeed: Magionami has recently unveiled her latest EP, 'LOOP', a journey into human consciousness and everyday experiences.
Featuring five bilingual tracks, the record is perhaps the closest vehicle to getting to know Martina on an introspective level...
October 20, 2023
5 faixas cativantes do EP. “LOOP” da talentosa Martina Magionami e Giulio Tonini do T•Lane Studio como produtor.
As notas, emanando uma energia única e apaixonante, brincam com os acordes do violão e com as texturas do vocal, gerando uma positiva análise do que acontece no caminhar pela vida...
October 17, 2023
Martina Magionami reveals new track, "Fools", lifted from her latest EP [Fred Bambridge]
October 16, 2023
MARTINA MAGIONAMI: se deleite com o suntuoso EP “LOOP”... [Luanda Myers]
December 2022
The Community Music Team has chosen the top three songs for community-wide voting...
03 November 2022
Javier's review from Lessthan1000followers (blog).
07 June 2022
Songwriters Circle / Cantautori in Circolo
Songwriters & Theme: “Black Snowflakes” with Molly Chapin, Martina Magionami, Stefano Naldi and Patti DeRosa.
04 May 2019
Folk music with the American Roots Folk House event in Vingone.