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La Marti - Distratta (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music)

La Marti - Distratta (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music)

La Marti - Distratta (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music) Video animato realizzato da Chiara Pirovano Anime Fragili [2024 EP] Ascoltalo qui: Lyrics & Music: La Marti / Martina Magionami Recorded and produced at Mad Jaguars Studio with Matteo Castrati Mix & Master: Niko Rizza Video Distratta: Chiara Pirovano Cover art & graphics: La Marti / Martina Magionami TESTO: Sono un po' distratta Guardo un punto lontano Vedo campi di grano e di lavanda essiccata Il vento sussurra alle spighe: “Che ne pensi Del sole che sorge, o un bimbo che rivolge Lo sguardo alla madre in cerca di carezze, Di un cane che abbaia in un cortile? Che ne pensi?” Dico che è faticoso a volte starti dietro Pedali veloce perché sei allenato Invece io ho il fiatone, le gambe in confusione E questa bicicletta dove ci vuol portare? Ad un vicolo cieco o sul lungomare Forse ho un po' paura di poterlo scoprire adesso Chiudo gli occhi, smetto di pensare Cerco riparo da un temporale improvviso A passo lento e un po' impreciso Ma non è distante il tuo sorriso E butto via l'ombrello Che questa pioggia estiva Non può che rinfrescare E in fondo è domenica e voglio dimenticare la routine dei pensieri distorti che non mi fa dormire Se torna lunedì io mi lascerò cullare Dal tuo abbraccio caldo ancora un momento E dal profumo del mare Sono un po' distratta Penso a un giorno lontano A quando la tua mano inaspettata si perdeva tra i sospiri... In fondo è domenica e voglio dimenticare la routine dei pensieri distorti che non mi fa dormire Se torna lunedì io mi lascerò cullare Dal tuo abbraccio caldo ancora un momento E dal profumo del mare
La Marti - Black Snowflakes (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music)

La Marti - Black Snowflakes (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music)

La Marti - Black Snowflakes (EP: Anime Fragili - 2024 ©La Marti Music) Anime Fragili [2024 EP] Ascoltalo qui: Lyrics & Music: La Marti / Martina Magionami Recorded and produced at Mad Jaguars Studio with Matteo Castrati Mix & Master: Niko Rizza Artwork, cover art & various graphics: La Marti / Martina Magionami Black Snowflakes was written for a singer-songwriters meeting organized by Patti DeRosa and Marisa Gareffa and held at "Sotto Al British". I was given two random words (at first almost impossible to use) and I had 1 month to write a song and play it at the following meeting. I went to bed but couldn’t sleep. I was having lots of sleepless nights but that one was worse. So I started putting down some lyrics and finally, in one day, I had the song! Music, lyrics and tears were flowing so easily. I thought I had lost the ability of writing but eventually I had a full song in such a little time and became so impatient to play it on stage. It was the best therapy I could ask for. LYRICS / TESTO: Is that one a fake smile? Or are you really happy to get back to your old life? No It’s none of my business But I don’t really care about How you spend your free time I’m just wondering why You needed to show it off tonight Oh I’m just wondering now Mmmh... Don’t you think you were lucky enough When you found a four leaf clover in a field of grass No, you were seeking black snowflakes Now I think I was lucky enough I was able to get out of a smashed car With no scars, no scars but in my heart No scars, no scars but in my heart As I’m walking alone I keep telling myself all this time I was wrong Time never flies when There are feelings involved Uh I’m just wondering why I needed to show it off tonight Uh I’m just wondering now Mmmh... Don’t you think you were lucky enough When you found a four leaf clover in a field of grass No, you were seeking black snowflakes Now I think I was lucky enough I was able to get out of a smashed car With no scars, no scars but in my heart No scars, no scars but in my heart Just scars, just scars in my heart Just scars, just scars in my heart
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